Three tips to create standout content
We live in the era of information overload. On Instagram alone, 95 million photos and videos are shared each day, according to Wordstream. When there’s such a cacophony of information at our fingertips, “cognitive impatience” means we’re quickly scanning text to analyze whether or not the page we’re looking at is worth our time and attention. And if your audience is scrolling right past your content, your content isn’t serving your business.
So, how do you create content that will actually get seen? Here are Untrendy’s top three tips.
1. Lay it out. Present a coherent thesis ASAP to give readers context about what they’re about to read. Nobody has time for a long-winded intro. To our next point:
2. Keep it succinct. Get to your point directly; cut the fluff. (See what we did there? Your audience is full of busy people. When they feel like you respect their time, they’ll respect your content.)
3. Only publish content of value. The days of “Just get something out there!” are loooong behind us. In the oversaturated online space, there’s a simple way to rise above the rest: post. excellent. content. What makes excellent content? Writing and imagery that is either entertaining or educational—bonus if it happens to be both.